
Herbology is the Chinese art of combining medicinal herbs. Herbology is traditionally one of the more important modalities utilized in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Each herbal medicine prescription is a cocktail of many herbs tailored to the individual patient.
Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing May Be Safe, Effective for Facial Rhytids
Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is a safe and effective treatment for facial rhytidosis and solar aging, according to the results of a retrospective case series reported in the July/August issue of Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery.
GORE-TEX Implants Seen as Safe Alternative to Graft for Rhinoplasty
GORE-TEX (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) implants are a safe and inexpensive alternative to autografts for use in rhinoplasty, according to the results of a 17-year retrospective review.
More Women Needed, Says American Association of Neurological Surgeons Report
More than half of medical school students are women, and yet they account for only 10% of neurosurgical residents, a new report shows. That number drops to 6% when researchers factor in how many women go on to become practicing neurosurgeons.
Psychiatrists Shift Away From Providing Psychotherapy
A declining number of office-based psychiatrists in the United States are providing psychotherapy, according to results from a national 10-year survey.
Almost All Articles On Cancer Prognostic Markers Report Statistically Significant Results
Almost All Articles On Cancer Prognostic Markers Report Statistically Significant Results: Commentary from F1000 Kyzas PA, Denaxa-Kyza D, Ioannidis JPEur J Cancer 2007 Nov 43(17):2559-79 Commentary from Faculty Member Willi SauerbreiThis is a landmark review illustrating the severity of reporting bias in prognostic marker research.
HHS and DHS Announce Guidance on Pandemic Vaccination Allocation
The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Homeland Security (DHS) released today guidance on allocating and targeting pandemic influenza vaccine. The guidance provides a planning framework to help state, tribal, local and community leaders ensure that vaccine allocation and use will reduce the impact of a pandemic on public health and minimize […]
President Bush Signs H.R. 5501
President Bush Signs H.R. 5501, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008 MRS. BUSH: Welcome, everyone, to the White House. Thank you all very much for coming for this signing of the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership […]
NPI required for all HIPAA Standard Transactions on May 23, 2008
As of May 23, Medicare FFS will require and send NPI-Only in ALL provider identifier fields for all HIPAA and paper transactions where a provider identifier is required. If you send Medicare a transaction with a Medicare legacy identifier in any of the provider fields, your claim will be rejected. These transactions include all electronic […]
Have you been selected to participate in the Physician Practice Information survey?
The AMA and more than 70 other organizations are conducting a comprehensive multi-specialty survey of America’s physician practices. The results will be used to positively influence national decision makers to ensure accurate and fair representation for all physicians and patients, and to articulate the challenges of running a practice that provides expert patient care, while […]